Why was the 1960s, and in particular the year 1964, crucial for progression in American society and the cause of the Civil Rights Movement?

Why was the 1960s, and in particular the year 1964, crucial for progression in American society and the cause of the Civil Rights Movement?



The 1960s marked 100 years of civil rights activism in the US. The year 1964 in particular saw the rise of individuals like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Under the Presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, America finally saw an advancement of civil rights with the act of the same in 1964. However, when considering more modern history and the issues of the present day, it can be argued that although civil rights were granted to all, even in this modern age, the reality of equality is still yet to be achieved.[1] The rise in protest and reform in America during this time was large, but was it really any bigger than before, or did it just conclude what activists had been trying for a century? This study will argue that the 1960s saw progress that had been long overdue for the cause of Civil Rights for all in America.

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