Why is the concept of family health important?

Why is the concept of family health important?

The concept of family health is a very important part in maintaining and improving the health of the individual and community. The improvement in one unit will reflex on the other. The concept of family health is key for the attainment of goals of health promotion.

The concept of family health enables family members to know more about their genes which they share.

It enables family members to realize more about their traits such as curly hair as well as other abilities such as athletic abilities.

It enables family members to know about the level of risks to diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Today the medical community realizes that families play an essential role in safeguarding patients. Families are helping patients adhere to medical advice, by monitoring and encouraging them to exercise and listen to the instruction of health care professionals. This is because the family unit as a whole is a foundation for every person/ A partnership between a family and their healthcare provider is characterized as family-centered care.

The various strategies for health promotion

Creation of supportive environment

Equipping of individuals with personal skills

Strengthening of community action towards health

Reorientation of health services

Building of healthy public policies to ensure healthy living within different communities.

Coming up with programs such as smoking cessation programs which promote quitting of smoking habits

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