Why An Organization’s Mission, Vision, And Values Are Significant To Nurse Engagement And Patient Outcomes


Nurse engagement has a significant impact on patient outcomes. A study by the National Institute for Healthcare Management found that organizations with highly engaged nurses had shorter lengths of stay, lower mortality rates, and fewer readmissions. Organizational mission, vision, and values provide nurses with a sense of purpose and shared understanding of what is important to the organization (Katz et al., 2020). When nurses are aligned with the organization’s mission, vision, and values, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and more likely to put the needs of patients first. Nurse engagement is a critical component of high-quality health care. When nurses are engaged in their work, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs, be more productive, and provide better patient care. Studies have also shown that nurse engagement is associated with better patient outcomes (Mannion & Davies, 2018). Organizations can create a positive work environment for nurses by articulating their mission, vision, and values and by putting those values into practice.

Nurses need to feel that they are part of something larger than themselves and that their work is meaningful and worthwhile. Organizations that invest in nurse engagement will see improved organizational performance across the board. Mission, vision, and values provide a framework for nurses to understand the organization’s purpose and how their individual roles connect to the organizational goals (Branch et al., 2019). A clear understanding of mission, vision, and values allows nurses to see how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization. When nurses feel connected to their workplace through a shared understanding of mission, vision, and values it leads to a more positive work environment and increased nurse engagement. Engagement is defined as willingly commit time and effort to work toward common goals. Nurse engagement directly impacts patient outcomes. When nurses are engaged they are more likely to provide quality care, be satisfied with their jobs, and recommend the hospital where they work to others.

Relationship To Health Promotion And Disease Prevention From A Community Health Perspective

An organization’s complex cultural practices will always provide positive patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals always act with integrity and a high level of professionalism to guarantee that patients receive high-quality care in environments with inclusive cultures. The kind of activities that should be carried out and the protocols to be followed are determined by the corporate culture (Dermol & Širca, 2018). The services provided and the expected results are frequently determined by the culture of the healthcare facility. Strong corporate cultures at healthcare facilities increase the likelihood that patients will receive high-quality care. Strong nursing teamwork is defined by strong cultural practices. In the classic management paradigm, teamwork was one of the functional hierarchies that determined the organizational structure and activities of each level.


Every firm is constantly creating and preserving distinctive cultures that are consistent with its operating procedures. These cultures frequently set expectations and norms for how employees should behave inside a business. The corporate culture, together with its values and objectives, frequently facilitates the resolution of disputes among its employees. Conflicts should always be the main topic of conversation while trying to resolve them through dialogue. However, a resolution can only be reached when the parties in disagreement find common ground. Collaboration across different professions is necessary for all stakeholders and employees of the business to resolve conflicts. When there are differences, healthcare professionals might come to an agreement through inter-professional collaboration. Inter-professional cooperation is one technique to guarantee a cohesive workplace and one of the simple solutions to resolve growing problems or disputes among the workforce.


´Dermol, V., & Širca, N. T. (2018). Communication, company mission, organizational values, and company performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences238, 542-551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2018.04.034

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