Why a quality improvement initiative is needed in this area and the expected outcome


The cases of medical errors in the health sector have a devastating impact on the
standard of the patient care process. This results in the need for the development of the
strategies that will allow the nurses to minimize the issue of medical errors. Bari, Khan,
and Rathore (2016) espouse that one of the effects of medical errors is the rise in the
chance of the patients being drugged unnecessarily or patients may end up getting a
medication that was not meant for them. Typically, the challenge may cause issues with
the family and the patients since it will result in the rise in the chance of an unreliable
process of unreliable care for patients.
The increase in the cases of medical errors as well result in the deterioration in the
quality of nursing care and hence causing a challenge for the healthcare providers to offer

reliable care. This may end up causing a rise in the mistrust from the patients and ending
up resulting in the healthcare providers losing any confidence in the process of provision
of care. Typically, this is a well a challenge in that there will be a possibility in the cost of
hospitalization for the patients since the process will cause a challenge in the fact that
there will be a chance that the patients will have to be readmitted after taking the wrong
medication. This may as well be the cause that needs one to take action for the
elimination of the issue of unreliable healthcare services. It is therefore important that the
processes of nursing care are provided for the healthcare providers to have a chance of
improving the quality of healthcare services.

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