When discussing stress and burnout in nursing, thenursing shortageis a concern that comes to the top of the list (for legal and ethical reasons), both for working nurses and educational faculty. Find an article that explores this issue, summarize the article’s findings, and add a possible solution to the problem.

Though nursing can be a very rewarding career, it is often very easy to succumb to the stressors of the profession, potentially leading to burnout.Burnout Syndrome (BOS) has a variety of symptoms but is ultimately the emotional whirl wind that nurses often experience which results in personal and organizational distress. It is a crucial issue for healthcare, as it negatively impacts the nursing shortages (Lee, 2015).One of the main environmental elements that can lead to burnout is workplace incivility. We can utilize Maslach’s Burnout Theory to better explain nurse burnout.Maslach’s Theory states, “Chronic stress related to work has the potential to negatively impact the dimensions of emotional exhaustion

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