What subjective and objective clinical data are consistent with the diagnosis of an SSTI?


Subjective: Stated a "boil" that has some pain and irritation on his right buttock over the past week. The pain gradually increased over the next few days. In the ED, he stated that the pain worsen that he cannot sit down for class. Objective:  mild fever without chills; VS: BP 129/74, P 81, RR 16, T 37.5°C  PE: lateral right gluteal area - red, erythematous, warm, and tender to touch; localized fluid collection that appears fluctuant, consistent with a carbuncle and surrounding erythema). - large 2 cm × 4 cm red swollen area over the lateral right buttock, with a localized fluid collection and surrounding erythema noticeable pain when he walks and tries to sit. Negative for deep tissue involvement  CBC: WBC 11.3; Neutrophils 89% What additional information is needed to fully assess this patient's SSTI? We can get additional information to assess the patient's SSTI by asking relevant questions regarding his health like if he has a current illness that makes him immunocompromised (makes him prone to illnesses). Likewise, we can ask if where he is currently living (e.g college dormitory) or he is involved in any contact sports to assess any possible outbreaks or community acquired infections like Community-acquired MRSA which causes infection in a wide variety of hosts, from healthy children and young adults, to persons with comorbidities, health care professionals, and persons living in close quarters (Nguyen et al., 2021).

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