What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia? Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?

Whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?


When supporting other people, one should understand and respect their values and wishes. Each individual’s concept of the surrounding world is based upon their values, beliefs, experiences, culture, and adherence to societal norms, moral codes, and religious practices. Therefore, all these elements of life determine whether the decisions made are right or wrong and how people believe they must think or act. Those who follow the Christian worldview have their choices adapted to the biblical concepts and Christian living standards. With that said, regarding George’s situation and critical life-ending decision, it is important to consider God’s ultimate power over death and life when opting for such a choice.

The American Nurses Association requires healthcare professionals to provide respectful, compassionate, and ethically coherent care at the end of a patient’s life, so patients do not think about assisted suicide as an alternative. According to Frey & Blackwell (2018), the main emphasis of Christianity is the value of human beings as “creatures made in God’s image,” as well as the relationship that connects humans and God. The Christian ideology opposes active euthanasia and assisted suicide because of the Christians’ understanding of the core values defined in the faith tradition, interpretation of sacred texts, and long-established biblically-grounded tradition of morality. Euthanasia undermines the core ethical issues concerning Christianity, as it involves killing a person, which is the most severe moral issue. This can be explained by the central Christian consideration that implies the sanctity of life, where God is the giver and the taker of life and that His will takes precedence over the human will.

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