What risk factors does L.B. have that predispose her to development of gallstones?

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Ibrahim et al. (2018) opine that gallstones are common among women as compared to men with women being two times more vulnerable to suffer from this condition as compared to women. The issue of being obese as well increase the risk of a patient having this condition and the patient is 40 pounds overweight hence she is at risk of getting gallstones. The other risk factor that is associated with this condition is race. The fact that she is a Caucasian puts her at a higher risk. The kind of food that is being used by the patients is as well a great risk factor in that the use of fatty food by the patient and the issue of having exacerbate symptoms is a risk factor. The long period of working as a supervisor, the stress that she gets and the fact that she is always busy is as well a risk factor that puts her at risk. In the case that she is taking contraceptives as well then she is faced with risks of getting gallstones.

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