What processes, procedures, and specific websites are currently being used in your organization to attract and acquire potential employees from the online setting? Topic 2: DQ 1


The use of technology has highly affected the recruitment and selection processes by eliminating the four basic steps employers followedin the past to attract and acquire employees. Currently, many organizations use media platforms and websites, making the entire process faster than before (Nikolaou, 2021). For instance, in my organization, nurses and physicians are selected through different social media platforms. Private online platforms are used to attract and acquire qualified employees when

vacancies are available. The platforms include LinkedIn, Monster, NursingJobs.com, and a private online job portal. Therefore, once the recruitment team is through with the planning process, including drafting job specifications, responsibilities, and the qualifications needed, the jobs are posted on the websites where job seekers can find and applyfor the positions. After the application, the candidates are screened, andscoresare given to each based on the job specification, followedby shortlisting and arranging for interviews.

As a job seeker, using social media, including LinkedIn, can be beneficial and challenging when searching for employment. One of the benefits of social media platform is that it enables the job seeker to build a personal brand, which makes one more visible to the recruiting organizations that use the same platforms in search of employees. This means that building unique social media content is important for any job seeker. On the other hand, finding a job on the platforms can be challenging because many job seekers end up landing in the wrong organizations because they were attracted by the organization’s unique social media branding, which does not reflect what it is (Mičík & Mičudová, 2018).

The drawback that an employer faces when using the platform includes missing out on getting qualified candidates, especially when the employer is incompetent with the internet. Secondly, many job seekers only post content they believe would grant them the jobs, yet it is the wrong picture. Hence, the employer may get low-quality applicants who might fail to deliver in the future. To reduce these drawbacks, employers can involve employment agencies in the recruitment process to help find the best skills to ensure resources are not wasted in the future looking for other candidates.


Mičík, M., & Mičudová, K. (2018). Employer brand building: Using social media and career websites to attract generation Y. Economics & Sociology11(3), 171-189. https://doi.org/10.14254/2071-789X.2018/11-3/11

Nikolaou, I. (2021). What is the Role of Technology in Recruitment and Selection?. The Spanish Journal of Psychology24.https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/spanish-journal-of-psychology/article/what-is-the-role-of-technology-in-recruitment-and-selection/451DF5C763B110A845EEAD50F5BAF851

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