What is your personal worldview? NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2

In an increasingly diverse, multicultural society, nurses are challenged to provide effective care to patients of all religions, races, and cultures. My personal worldviews are multidimensional, I have a strong faith in God I believe that is what guides me to be the best human first than nurse. Culture is a great influence of our behavior, believes and values and to teach how to treat people related to their ethical backgrounds. The religion in my family is predominantly Jehovah witness and their beliefs and values are so different in many facets. I am Catholic and I am raising my children as Catholics as well. Having been around the Jehovah witness religion I knew about certain things that can or cannot occur. One of the biggest factors is receiving blood. That can be huge ethical dilemma as a nurse because you want to provide the best care possible, but your personal beliefs can interfere with how your own perception can interpret how you care for the patient. “Jehovah’s Witnesses refuses all blood transfusions. Jehovah’s Witnesses and their relatives are taught by their faith that it is important for them to ‘keep Jehovah’s organization clean’. One of the ways in which they are encouraged to do so is to inform those in positions of authority about the indiscretions of others. Because family members may also speak to those in authority in the organization, it is important that each patient is asked in private what information may be passed on to relatives. If a patient elects to receive a ‘forbidden’ blood product there could be grave social implications if that decision becomes known. In such circumstances it may be necessary to make special provisions to ensure that unexpected visitors do not become aware of any treatment. Indiscreet talk between all members of hospital staff should be avoided to guarantee patient confidentiality” (EMAP 2021). Nurses have an obligation to do whatever their patient ask of them including their choices they make about their health decisions.

The worldview in nursing is essential component in healthcare. “Nursing in my worldview is a calling from God to ensure wholeness and healing of those who are sick or in pain. It is involving the responsibility of applying acquired knowledge and skills in care to relief others from pain and distress. Nursing entails taking responsibility for continuing growth in human connection, character development, and compassion. To grow in nursing art, a nurse needs to be willing to handle the broken parts of their lives by addressing personal weaknesses and working toward personal changes and growth to be able to address the problems of other people” (UWB, 2019).


EMAP, (2021) Nursing with dignity. Part 9: Jehovah’s Witnesses. https://www.nursingtimes.net/clinical-archive/haematology/nursing-with-dignity-part-9-jehovahs-witnesses-23-04-2002/

UWB, (2019). Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. https://uniquewritersbay.com/blog/worldview-and-nursing-process-personal-statement/

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