What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue. Identification Of Issues Significant To Nursing Practice Discussion


Evidence-based practice entails the use of the safest and the best available scientific evidence in the provision of care to patients (Li et al., 2019). It aims at providing the best available quality of care. The actualization of evidence-based practice is marred with a myriad of challenges. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main hindrance to providing evidence-based nursing care and to discuss the steps to address the challenge.

In my organization, the most significant barrier is the organization’s policies. My organization already has spelled out interventions in almost every clinical scenario. This does not give nurses room to expand their knowledge of current practices and updates to procedures. This demotivates the nurses’ quest for updated knowledge. The decision to adopt new knowledge and inventions into the daily clinical routine rests in the highest hierarchy. These policies put nurses in difficult situations in decision making, especially in the sight of ethical dilemmas. They also put nurses in a situation where they do not feel empowered to critically think and apply current guidelines.

Addressing this challenge requires a step-wise approach. It is critical to maintaining the highest quality of care and patient safety even as the barriers to evidence-based nursing practice are sorted. Communication and involvement of the nursing staff in the formulation and update of hospital policies is a crucial step in the building of a team spirit (Mathieson et al., 2018). Continuous medical education for nurses within the organization is important to make sure nurses are kept abreast of the current practices. Encouraging nurses to enroll in higher studies may spur the nurses’ quest for knowledge on current practice (Mathieson et al., 2018). Generally, availing opportunities for the growth of knowledge gives nurses the confidence to apply the required skill.



Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice. Medicine98(39), e17209. https://doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000017209

Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2018). Strategies, facilitators, and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed-studies review and qualitative synthesis. Primary Health Care Research & Development20(20). https://doi.org/10.1017/s1463423618000488


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