What Causes Bullying?

What Causes Bullying?

Bullying is caused by genetic predisposition, relations with peers, and as a reaction to the situation in school or at home. Of course, family relationships play a great role in raising a bully. Too much or too little discipline can be equally harmful and make a child become a bully. Often, the bully perceives himself or herself as inferior to his or her peers and tries to alleviate the sense of discomfort by harassing “superior” children (“School Bullying” par. 4).

A child who bullies others often does so to draw attention and impress others. The herd mentality is in place when group bullying occurs. Those who do not participate often find enjoyment in just watching the bullied person suffer, happy that they are not on the other end of the stick. Victims of bullying usually possess some sort of weakness that paints them as a target. It could be physical deformities, the lack of physical strength, lack of social skills, and inability to stand up for oneself (“School Bullying” par. 5).

Types of Bullying

There are many different kinds of bullying, ranging from physical assault to psychological abuse. Depending on its nature, bullying is classified into three types:

  • Verbal bullying. This is the most common type of bullying. It involves teasing, calling other people names, making inappropriate remarks, writing insults, etc. (“Bullying Definition” par. 5).

  • Social bullying. This type of bullying is aimed at ostracizing and ridiculing the victim by damaging their reputation. It is different from verbal bullying, since instead of insulting the victim, the bully spreads rumors about them instead (“Bullying Definition” par. 6).

  • Physical bullying. This involves punching, kicking, taking another’s lunch money, and any other activities that require physical force to bring the victim to submission. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous kinds of bullying (“Bullying Definition” par. 7).

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