What are some cultural variations that you have which might cause misinterpretation in healthcare/nursing?


Ethnography is a strategy for studying cultural behaviors. Ethnographers use demography to get a greater understanding of cultural behaviors and their causes for them. The researcher may become totally involved in the culture being researched. Participant views and key informant interviews are frequently used to collect data (Polit & Beck, 2017). The example of The findings of ethnographic research on foreign student adjustment is reported in this paper. The article suggests using ethnography to study the perspectives of tourists and migrants in order to generate a volume of data about the effects of cross-cultural interaction for these two groups. The goal of ethnographic research was to document the adjustment process of a group of international postgraduate students at a university in the south of England.

Phenomenology offers a method for scientists to better understand a person’s life and experiences. Researchers use this strategy to acquire a better knowledge of important living events. Typically, data is gathered through an assessment scale and talks with test subjects. When this approach is utilized, sample sizes are often low (Polit & Beck, 2017).

. Grounded theory is a method that allows academics to investigate issues relevant to nursing. The goal is to comprehend activities made in a certain region by individuals who are involved in carrying them out. Many intermediate, or shorter, practice-related nursing theories have resulted from this technique (Polit & Beck, 2017).

A  researcher, for example, may offer complex queries such as: why is this different from that? by comparing the experiences of two distinct persons who had a basis for comparison. What is the relation between these two? This technique is performed with each new interview or account until all have been evaluated with each other in numerous qualitative studies whose goal is to develop information about common themes and patterns within human experience. A grounded theory study of how persons with brain damage cope with the social attitudes they experience provides an excellent illustration of this process(sally T,2000).

The phenomenological and ethnographic research designs are more different than they are similar. Both designs are used for qualitative research and focus on human experiences, rather than sheer numbers. However, phenomenological focuses on the experiences of the individual whereas ethnographic focuses on the experience of the group (Hasa, 2017).

Phenomenological research describes an individuals experiences regarding a specific situation. Typically, this type of research will involve individuals that have had similar experiences through the use of interviews (Renjith et al., 2021). The phenomenological research design is based on philosophy, psychology, and education and also utilizes observation as a tool (Renjith et al., 2021). Because phenomenological research focuses on the experience of the individual, it also accepts that an individuals reality is determined by their personal experiences (Hasa, 2017). The amount of time this research takes varies depending on the size of the group and how broad the research question is.


Ethnographic research involves the interpretation of behaviors of a “culture sharing group (Renjith et al., 2021).” Renjith et al describe a culture-sharing group as “any group of people who share common meanings, customs, or experiences.” The ethnographic design is based on anthropology and is typically performed through observation and interviews (Renjith et al., 2021). The amount of time this research takes is quite extensive given the prolonged need for observation.



Hasa. (2017, February 17). Difference between ethnography and phenomenology: Definition, features, Focus, data collection. PEDIAA. Retrieved September 5, 2022, from https://pediaa.com/difference-between-ethnography-and-phenomenology/#:~:text=Ethnography%20and%20phenomenology%20are%20two,experiences%20and%20perspectives%20of%20participants.


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