What Are Effective Nursing Models for Improving Asthma Care? Paper II: Planning care through a nursing model paper

What Are Effective Nursing Models for Improving Asthma Care?


Paper II: Planning care through a nursing model paper


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your ability to plan care through a nursing model. After you have chosen a nursing model (from section III or IV of textbook), provide a thorough description of the “nuts and bolts” of that model. Then you should select a client that you are caring for at your clinical site (or an interesting acquaintance).



Planning Care Through a Nursing Model

Various nursing care models are applied in care to organize how nurses are assigned to provide patients with holistic care. Different settings, patient needs, and circumstances differ in the nursing model used. One among the many nursing models is the theory of Goal Attainment developed in the early 1960s by Imogene King (Toth-Bos et al., 2020). The purpose of this paper is to describe concepts of this model and its application in the management of a patient with asthma.

The King`s Theory of Goal Attainment

The model majorly describes dynamic, interpersonal relationship patient develops and grow to attain certain life goals (Adib-Hajbaghery & Tahmouresi, 2018). According to Toth-Bos et al. (2020), the model has three major systems: personal, interpersonal, and social. The concepts for the personal system are self, body image, growth and development, perception, time, and space. On the other hand, interpersonal concepts include communication, interaction, stress, role, and transactions. Social systems involve comprehensive interactions involving groups in society such as organizations, decision-making, status, and power.

According to King, a human being is referred to as a social being who is sentient and rational. Human beings can choose, think, make decisions, perceive, and set goals that affect their health. Furthermore, humans have three basic fundamental needs: the need for health information; the need for care when seeking to prevent illness, and the need for care when he or she is unable to care for themselves. To meet the needs of humans, nurses are vital as part of the environment. According to the theory of Goal Attainment, nursing is defined as a process of action, reaction, and interaction requiring nurses to constantly communicate with clients and share information surrounding a nursing situation (Toth-Bos et al., 2020). Through interaction, the nurse and client perceive each other’s situation as they communicate, set goals, explore means, and make an agreement on how to achieve goals together. Action majorly elucidates the sequence of behavior involving mental and physical activity while the reaction is among the sequences of behavior described in the action (Adib-Hajbaghery & Tahmouresi, 2018). Through action, reaction, and interaction, nurses` major goals are to help individuals to maintain their health to function in their roles as required. Fulfilling the goals requires nurses to monitor, care for the sick, maintain and restore the health of the injured, sick, and dying. Furthermore, nurses interpret the information in the nursing process to plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care. Besides, King had assumptions and major concepts of the model.

The following are assumptions of the model

  • Nursing focuses on caring for human beings
  • Nursing health care aims at achieving the well-being of individuals and groups.
  • Human beings constantly interact with their environment.
  • Patients and nurses often communicate, set goals together, and formulate actions to achieve the goals set. The same assumption applies to the nursing process.
  • The world is perceived as a complete person by the patient allowing them to make transactions with individuals and things in the environment.
  • The transactions made by individuals are a representation of life situations encountered and perceived by an individual. It also represents the situations an individual enters as an active participant with changes made based on the experiences (Toth-Bos et al., 2020).

Major concepts and sub-concepts of the King`s Model

  • The nursing process involves actions, reactions, and interaction, allowing the nurse and patient to communicate regarding a situation, identify concerns/problems, set goals, and explore actions of accomplishing the goals.
  • Health is a dynamic experience that requires constant adjustment to stressors and situations in the external and internal environment through using available resources to achieve high potential standards.
  • The background to human interaction is the environment. Both external and internal environment. Nurses form part of the human environment.
  • As social be

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