Week 8 Reflection: Community Health Plan Walden University NURS6150-6 Promoting and Preserving Health in a Diverse Society

Week 8 Reflection: Community Health Plan With the majority of adult smokers beginning as teenagers, promoting healthy choices among adolescence regarding tobacco use is critical to becoming a tobacco-free country and eliminating a plethora of preventable illness and chronic disease. Most adolescents and young adults begin smoking, without intending to continue, and then realize they lack the ability to quit. The Surgeon General found that if young adults do not initiate tobacco use by age 26, the chances they will begin are next to none; therefore, it is especially important to commence antitobacco campaigns with young children (Office of the Surgeon General, 2006). Avoiding tobacco, so it never becomes a habit, offers the only sensible approach to the eradication of tobacco. Promoting wellness decreases the potential burdens the aging population places on society financially and socially. Healthy life style decisions and choices are the answer to the reduction and elimination of tobacco use as a concern for the health of the future. In summary, education, emphasizing wellness, charges individuals with responsibility for their disease outcomes. This presentation will take place in a conference room with 30 people in attendance. Attendees include the principals from the elementary, middle, and high school and the school board. The purpose of this meeting is to gain support from the school board to begin an antitobacco educational program in the school district. The positive effects of this program will provide an opportunity to expand into the community, pediatrician offices, and additional school districts in the county and eventually statewide. 26 Reference U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. (2006). The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: A report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/secondhandsmoke/factsheets/factsheet6.html

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