Week 7 Reflection: Leadership and Interpersonal Skills \ Walden University NURS 6220-3 Human Resources Management

Week 7 Reflection: Leadership and Interpersonal Skills “Without excellent interpersonal skills and a high level of emotional and social intelligence, tomorrow’s leaders cannot be successful. Paramount to this success are communication skills and the ability to form positive relationships with followers and gain their commitment to and engagement in a shared and deeply felt purpose, as well as the ability to manage processes and develop others” (Manion, 2011, pp. 350-351). In reflection, this quotation summarizes Manion's (2011) fundamental core principles of leadership. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how this course has affected my personal views as an upcoming supervisory role. I will identify concepts/issues surrounding human resource management that I now understand more fully, including my expanded appreciation of the organization and the day-today work of managers and staff nurses. I will discuss how the learning expanded my awareness of the knowledge and skills I possess and recognize those I need to develop in the area of human resource management. Insights/Concepts Gained The objectives of the learning experience designated in this course, involved my acquaintance with distinct leadership roles within human resources (HR) through interviewing and shadowing various key people. These individuals remain vital to the success of the organization through directing the HR department, recruiting, retaining, coordinating benefits and maintaining corporate compliance. HR supports the agency's agenda as they recruit competent individuals, with the intent to retain, maintain a competitive edge in the job market, and abide by the laws put forth by government agencies to protect the employee and remain within the confines of the organization's strategy (Flynn, Mathis, Jackson, & Langan, 2007). 61 Working environments within organizations must foster collaboration amongst nurse leaders and managers at all levels, who understand their tasks and responsibilities and those of the human resources managers as they coalesce to support the visions and goals of the organization. The HR department aligns themselves with the strategic needs of the organization, as the backbone, supporting all departments. It is important for nursing professionals to work with a HR department that respects nurses. Knowledge/Skills Learned and That Need Refining This course offered a diverse learning experience through a variety of resources. The textbook and media bestowed a foundation, emphasized throughout class discussions, and learning experiences reinforced effective leadership and human resources management skills. This course has expanded my awareness of the nurse leader's obligation to improve the quality. HR, the challenge of managing people is one area that I consider a platform to expand the knowledge and skills I currently possess and plan to hone, develop, and incorporate into my career goals as a nurse leader. As nurses strive for recognition as professionals, nurses must continue to promote competencies and skills for their achievements of excellence, recognized and deemed professional by their peers in health care and within the communities (Manojlovich, 2007). Manion (2011) expressed proficient communication as the skill above all that a leader must possess for success. Communication promotes collaboration, as Manion (2011) discussed further and explained the two essential elements of teamwork in a healthy workplace environment include encouraging conflict resolution and progression of shared visions and goals. 62 Conflict management remains a source of discomfort. Inherent values and beliefs, instilled within each of us, define who we are as individuals. The same core values and beliefs transfer into the professional world and support excellence in leadership (Clark, 2008). Effective nurse leaders balance these traits to guide and support the needs of the organization and the needs of nurses. Dignity and respect remain in the forefront for maintaining successful personal and business relationships (Flynn, Mathis, Jackson, & Langan 2007). Proper education provides nurse leader with tools demonstrating power and self-assurance with the ability to remain direct and fair (Flynn, Mathis, Jackson, & Langan 2007). Summary In summary, I determined HR defines each organization. I am fortunate to have enrolled in such a program that offers the professional components that are necessary for effective leadership and management. The Master's in Nursing develops these leadership characteristics establishing a healthy working environment. A healthy workplace environment is directly dependent on the nurses' attitudes and views who work together

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