Week 7 Reflection: Individual Learning Objectives Walden University NURS 6200-10 The Nurse Administrator

Week 7 Reflection: Individual Learning Objectives The objectives of the learning experiences, designated in this course, involved acquainting myself with distinct leadership roles within healthcare organizations through interviews and shadowing various administrative personnel outside my clinical area. The working environment within organizations must foster collaboration amongst nurse leaders and managers at all levels, who understand their tasks and responsibilities and those of nonclinical leaders and managers as they coalesce to support the visions and goals of the organization. The purpose of this paper is to reexamine my time with J.K., Associate Director of Nursing, for the autistic and developmentally disabled children and adult residential program and describe insights gained through this interview regarding the operations in this healthcare organization and her role as the senior nurse. I will discuss how the knowledge and skills acquired through this course will help me develop into an effective manager and leader. I will reflect upon my increased awareness of knowledge and skills I have, those I need to develop, and influence the expectations of myself and clarified my career goals. Insights Gained Insights gained, through my interview with J.K., Associate Director of Nursing, concerned the lack of educational resources available for a nurse manager and leader 35 years ago. J.K., a Master's prepared nurse, assumed this position, out of longevity and commitment to the organization, and passion for the nursing profession, how many nurses gain advancement (Taft, 2013). Kirk (2009) emphasized professional training as a necessity for the longevity of the institution and mentioned clinical effectiveness as dependent upon this training for promoting a healthy work environment since nurse leaders manage operations, empower staff, maintain 47 safety, and produce quality outcomes. J.K. displayed self-confidence as she demonstrated repeatedly, the desire and need to support the institution's mission statement, visions, and goals. Knowledge/Skills Learned This course offered a diverse learning experience through a variety of resources. The textbook and media bestowed a foundation, reinforced throughout the class discussions, and introduced effective leadership and management skills. Emotional intelligence, one distinct characteristic essential to successful leadership and management explained the readiness for accepting such roles. The Master's in Nursing develops these leadership characteristics establishing a healthy working environment. Roussell and Radcliffe (2013) explained that the self-confident leader possesses the ability to maintain self-control and remain tough in when challenging issues present. Safety and quality remain in the forefront for health care delivery. According to Huston (2010), nurses promote safety and quality by making continuously improving their practice, preserving the credibility of the health care profession, and ensuring the consumer that they are receiving no less than the minimum accepted standards of care. This course has expanded my awareness of the nurse leader's obligation to improve the quality. This one area of constant change I consider a platform to expand my knowledge and skills I currently possess, plan to hone, develop, and incorporate into my career goals as a nurse leader. Expectations/Career Goals This course has expanded my awareness of the nurse leader's obligation to improve the quality. This one area of constant change I consider a platform to expand my knowledge and skills I currently possess, plan to hone, develop, and incorporate quality practices within my career goals as a nurse leader. 48 Summary In summary, I have discovered the role and functions of an effective nurse leader. I am fortunate to have enrolled in such a program that offers the professional components that are necessary for effective leadership and management

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