Week 4: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Anna Ridge Walden University NURS 6521: Advanced Pharmacology Dr. Veleka Grady 


 Week 4: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Many gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders have similar signs and symptoms. GI related diseases can impair quality of life and lead to distresses in our physical, mental, and social lives (Spiegel, et. Al., 2011).It is up to the provider to be able to diagnose and treat GI diseases correctly. In this paper I will review the diagnosis of the patient in relation to the assessment plan provided, and I will provide a drug therapy plan with justifications based on the patient's history, diagnosis, and current drug therapy. This patient is showing signs and symptoms of acutecholecystitis. Acute cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder due to a blockage in the cystic duct (Jones, Genova, & O'Rourke, 2022).The obvious symptom was the onset of RUQ pain after a large meal. While up to 80% of gallstones do not cause symptoms, a block in the ducts can cause swelling and pain to the right side of the abdomen which could cause an infection or ischemia (O'Dougherty & Calhoun, 2019). Patients experiencing pain from acute cholecystitis often complain of it beginning a few hours after a meal (O'Dougherty & Calhoun, 2019). The appropriate drug therapy would be to first control the patients pain with an analgesic. Indometacin is an NSAID that can reverse the inflammation process aiding in reducing pain for patients(Inda & Beckingham, 2002). And second-generation cephalosporin is ideally used in conjunction with metronidazole for infection prevention or control(Inda & Beckingham, 2002).I would suggest these drug therapies because patients are at an increased risk of superimposed infection with cholecystitis (Inda & Beckingham, 2002). And when pain is poorly managed or controlled, it can adversely affect patents physical healing process (Wells, Pasero, & McCaffery, 2008).

3 Week 4: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Conclusion According to the scenario given for this assignment, the patient suffers from acute cholecystitis.This patient should seek medical intervention quickly due to the nature of serious or life-threatening complications if left untreated (Mayo Clinic, 20220).In this paper I reviewed the diagnosis of the patient in relation to the assessment plan provided, I provided a drug therapy plan with justifications based on the patient's history, diagnosis, and current drug therapy

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