Week 3 Nursing Theorist Video Reflection During weeks 3 and 6, you will complete a nursing theorist video analysis/reflection of one of the nursing theorist videos provided in the course. We highly recommend that you watch as many of these videos as you can throughout the course. This is a great opportunity for you to see and hear directly from the actual theorists that you are reading about in the text. Click on the Nursing Theorist Video Link in the main menu on the left to see the collection of videos.

Nursing theorist video analysis/reflection


Nursing theories have become instrumental for nurses to use in the process of decision-making. Nursing theories are used in the process of learning of the guidelines that are there in the process of delivery of patient care and hence allow for nurses to learn of the aspect of safety and quality of care. This paper is a reflection of the nursing theory video on “Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring”. The analysis focuses on what the video was chosen the relationship of the theory and my nursing philosophy, the surprise seen in the video, and the value that has been gained from watching the video.

Why I chose to watch this particular theorist’s video

The selection of the video on the Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring is that I have been able to experience that use of this theory in many instances as a nurse and I have come to learn of it as one of the commonly applied theories in nursing practice. I had the urge of learning about the theory and the reason for use of the theory including how the theory is applied pushed for the view of this video. The other reason is to gain an understanding of how nursing practice interacts with the theory about values and philosophy. 

Parts of my philosophy where I agree or disagree with this theorist

The Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring is found to be in great agreement with my nursing philosophy in that it focuses on the focus of not only caring for the patient as the nursing practice but as well focuses on the compassionate care that is provided to the patients and the families

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