Week 3 discussion Discuss a nursing model that would be most appropriate to your future advanced nursing practice role.

In my future role as a nurse practitioner, I plan to apply the principle of holistic nursing every day. According to Frisch and Rabinowitsch (2019), "holistic providers consider the whole person within the context of the environment and understand mind-body-spirit." My goal is to be a healthcare provider that assesses patient wellbeing by taking their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual state into consideration.I will listen to all of their concerns, and I will do my best to address their needs comprehensively.I will then use patients' personal suggestions and preferences to create individualized treatment plans, which will promote the improvement of their wellbeing, and not just physical symptoms. Another principle I plan to utilize throughout my practice as a nurse practitioner is cultural humility. This concept is defined by acknowledgement that one's own perspective is limited and includes the existence of inherent biases (DeNisco, 2015). It's an approach that highlights the importance of acknowledging patients' cultures and beliefs. I plan to learn about various cultural groups and traditions, in order to get a better understanding of my patients' needs and beliefs. However, I will also keep in mind that every person is an individual, and may have different beliefs and values than those of their culture. I will strive to ask my patients about their cultural preferences and avoid judgement in order to foster a respectful, open environment where patients feel comfortable voicing their needs. The principle of self-reflection will be key to my practice as an NP. It is essential to developing a therapeutic relationship between provider and patient (Rasheed, 2015).Self-awareness is the concept of "getting to know about one self as a person and the important things in life which influences us in different ways" (Rasheed, 2015).This concept promotes cultural humility because it involves assessing your personal beliefs and experiences introspectively in order to identify ways in which you are limited by your perspective. I plan to apply the concept of self-reflection by taking the time to identify my inherent biases via the Harvard implicit association test. This will help me understand the areas in which I need to educate myself in regard to different cultures and ethnicities. I also plan to regularly reflect on my interactions with patients and coworkers to identify my strengths, as well as areas in which I could use improvement. This approach will allow me to provide care free from bias and grow within my role as a nurse practitioner and provider. DeNisco, S.M. & Barker, A. M. (2015).Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession(3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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