Week 3 Case Study Template Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease 1 .Are the spirometry results consistent with obstructive or restrictive pulmonarydisease? What is the most likely pulmonary diagnosis for this patient ?

- According to the spirometry result, FVC and TLC are normal, but FVE1 decreased andFEV1/FVE below 80%, suggesting that the patient has an obstructive pulmonary disease (Langan & Goodbred., 2020). From the test result of FVE1 does not improve post- bronchodilator, the diagnosis for this patient is likely to be chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (Langan & Goodbred., 2020 .(2 .Explain the pathophysiology associated with the chosen pulmonary disease.- COPD is categorized by a not fully reversible limitation of airflow, which consists of twoprimary phenotypes chronic bronchitis and emphysema (McCance & Huether, 2019). Chronic bronchitis is the condition of hypersecretion and chronic cough caused by chronic exposure and inhaling of the irritants that cause bronchial inflammation. The inflammation response results in bronchial edema, increases in the secretion of mucous in the airway epithelium, and smooth muscle hypertrophy with fibrosis causing the narrowing of airways (McCance & Huether, 2019). Emphysema is the destruction of the alveolar wall, causing permanent enlargement of the gas-exchanged airway and decreasing lung elasticity (McCance & Huether, 2019). Chronic bronchitis and emphysema aggravated and recruited the inflammation mediator, including neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes, to the lung, resulting in progressive damage from chronic inflammation.

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