Week 3 Assignment 1: Virtual Patient Virtual Patient: Risks of Covid-19 among older adults with asthma


 Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease characterized by spasm attacks in the lung bronchi, making it hard to breathe. The condition is mainly associated with a slow and continuous impaired lung function over time. It is also quite common among older adults from age 65, and the condition is correlated with high death and disability rates; therefore, careful monitoring is imperative, especially during the Covid-19 period (Zein et al., 2019). Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system, leading to potential respiratory failure. Older adults with unmanaged or moderate/severe asthma have a higher risk of hospitalization and death than younger adults (Lee et al., 2020).

I managed to identify comorbid factors for asthma, such as COPD, their similarities and differences, and the high risk of contracting Covid-19 (Lee et al., 2020). This was crucial to develop strategies for reliable asthma management for older adults during the pandemic. Furthermore, I also managed to elect suitable long-term treatment options, immunotherapy treatment, and asthma action plans according to published guidelines and considering age-based impacts on safety and efficacy to reduce the risks of Covid-19 or influence effective asthma control if one has the virus.

My experience with the module was remarkable as it improved clinical decision-making, and the findings I acquired enhanced learning. I acquired strategies I could implement in asthma management for older adults during the pandemic. The practical or mechanistic comprehension of how various components resulting in the heterogeneity and severity of asthma in older adults interact across spatial scales is essential, which I feel I achieved through experimental virtual learning and prepared me to address the progressive rise of asthma among older adults (Kononowicz et al., 2019).


Kononowicz, A.A., et al. (2019). Virtual Patient Simulations in Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research21(7), p.e14676. 10.2196/14676.

Lee, S.C., et al. (2020). Impact of comorbid asthma on severity of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Scientific Reports, 10(1). 10.1038/s41598-020-77791-8.

Zein, J.G., et al. (2019). Asthma over the adult life course: Gender and Hormonal Influences. Clinics in Chest Medicine, [online] 40(1), pp.149–161. 10.1016/j.ccm.2018.10.009.

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