Week 1 Discussions Discuss your position regarding access to and coverage for health care. Are we obligated to provide access to and coverage for health care for all Americans as an entitlement (a right), or should health care be considered a commodity that is subject to the influences of economic, social, and market demand (supply and demand)?

I agree that all U.S. citizens should have the right to healthcare since the Declaration of Independence states that everybody has the right to life, which means that everyone needs sufficient healthcare to live a healthy life. It cannot be classified as a product if its value is influenced by economic, cultural, or market forces. In America, healthcare administration has been complex. According to McEwen and Willis (2018), our healthcare system is not set up to offer convenient coverage to anyone that needs it. As a consequence, patient appointments are being postponed due to a lack of medical insurance options. For a while, such patients wind up in the emergency department for further problems, necessitating further costly procedures.
In 2018, our federal government spent nearly $1.2 trillion on healthcare, with Medicare itself accounting for $583 billion (McEwen and Willis (2018). As has been shown, our country invests more resources in treatments than in prevention. I assume that once anyone has access to hospitals, everyone would get essential medical attention. They will be screened regularly for health issues, which will be addressed at an early level.

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