Watson’s Theory of Caring Paper NSG 400 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Part II Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Scenario


Watson defined therapeutic nurse- patient relationship as, “  Nurse‟s are expected to portray and act professionally, legally and ethically in order to established an effective nurse-client relationship. The significance of an effective nurse  patient‟s relationship is critical to maintenance, promotion and recovery of patients in  every aspect of life. It is central to meeting the patients care needs and therefore communication between the nurse and patients is the foundation on which this relationship is built. The techniques to establish a warm and mutual nurse-client relationship are vital to understand and needless to say important in practice in order to come up with healthy and quality outcome for the patient as well as the nurse.

Caring Moment

“A caring occasion is the moment when the nurse and another  person come together in such a way that an occasion for human caring is created. Both  persons, with their unique phenomenal fields, have the possibility to come together in a human-to-human transaction ” (Watson, 1988) . The caring moment can be influenced by the actions and choices made by both the one being cared for and the one caring. The  caring occasion becomes “transpersonal” when “it allows for the presence of the spirit of both-then the event of the moment expands the limits of openness and has the ability to  expand human capabilities” (Watson, 1999, pp. 116-117).

Concepts of Watson’s theory of human caring

According to Watson (2001), the major elements of her theory are (a) the carative factors, (b) the transpersonal caring….

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