Violent Video Games Should Be Banned for Minors




For many years children have been playing a large variety of different video games. The potential influence of violence in video games has remained a concern for many parents. Today video games of all age classifications are available and simply accessible in many forms to minors of all ages; video games can now be downloaded, played online or accessed through apps. The technology now being employed for games are very sophisticated and advanced such as virtual reality, gaming laptops and gaming consoles etc., which inspires and encourages minors to play more and purchase more games. Unfortunately, many video games in today’s society have evolved into very inappropriate content which contains violent behaviour, use of weapons, use of drugs and sexual content which is all negatively effecting minors around the world. These negative effects include bullying, cyberbullying, fighting, violence, aggressive behaviour and disrespectful actions. Many video games today simulate Violent actions like murdering, stabbing, shooting or dismembering people with the selection of many different weapons and tools. Many minors play these games for several hours or maybe even days, the simulations of those violent acts enhance the capability and potential of learning violence and promotes aggressive behaviour in children. This essay will argue that violent video games should be restricted material to people aged over 18, access should be banned from minors and appropriate classification levels and training should be regulated within stores of sale.

Some individuals object to this as they believe it will promote and improve a child’s understanding of computer literacy, enhancement of motor skills and self defense that will be beneficial for a child’s growth, this essay will argue and oppose this opinion.

There is plenty of evidence and well known violent crime cases which are linked to the youth who have become inspired by violent video games to commit vile and heinous acts.

Two youths named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold committed mass murder at Columbine High School on the 20th April 1999. They entered the High school and opened fire killing 12 students and one teacher before turning their guns and shooting themselves. After the extremely distressing incident had happened people wanted answers, people wanted to know why they committed a awfully heinous act. It had been believed the two boys were affected and inspired by the video game 'DOOM'. They were both big fans of the video game and played it very regularly, Eric Harris was believed to be using it for a school project in creative writing, He had created his version of the game and his levels and posted it online for others to see. It was believed the levels had been named ‘The Harris Level’ after the massacre occurred.

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