Using the Ethical Decision-Making Model to Analyze the Case Study

Ethical Decision-Making Model component in this Case Study are: moral awareness, moral judgment, and moral behaviors are very helpful to analyze this case study. Ana's parents are aware of the situation and they very well understand the concern of their daughter's pediatrician. Moral judgment is that both parent judge the vaccine just by reading the mommy bogs online and decided not to vaccinate their daughter. Despite the doctors educating the Smiths behavior remained the same. They were not interested about3

the safety of other children or anyone else.Dr. Kerr handled the situation in a professional manner, and respected their decision. Effectiveness of Communication Approaches in the Case study Effective communication and listening is very important in every situation especially in this Case Study.Dr. Kerr communicated to the parents very well; she had open communication lines, open ended questions, also let the parents express their feelings and opinions about their beliefs.She listened to their concerns and not force or judge about their decision. Verbal communication was applied in a professional and respectful way. Resolving the Ethical Dilemma by Applying Ethical Principles Medical professionals use the scope of their practice to care for their patients which includes; safety, education, management and coordination of medical conditions. All medical professionals have to fallow the laws, policies and procedures in all states. Dr. Kerr explained the safety of their daughters, others and the community. She also educated the parents about vaccinations and the prevention of mortality and morbidity. Conclusion Medical and health care professionals use the scoop of practice to face, deal and make a decision about ethical dilemma which includes; education, safety, coordinates and manages their conditions. Based on the Smiths beliefs Dr. Kerr respected their decision about their daughter's vaccination. She also educated, explained the safety of their daughter and community

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