.Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care. Systems and Staff Members involved in the Design and Implementation Process of EHR


Decision support systems are the primary system that supports the design and implementation of EHR in a healthcare organization (Sutton et al., 2020). This system allows the care team to resolve issues that require particular decisions. It formulates the knowledge in the system, thus eliminating human knowledge at the point of care. Secondly, expert systems are required to support the process. Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.These clinical decision support systems have some features that portray notes, facilitate critical treatment plans, provide diagnostic and decision support, and support various images’ identification and interpretation. Nonetheless, these systems cannot replace human expertise as stand-alone tools. Therefore, IT professionals should integrate expert systems with knowledge management, thus determining the best treatment plan.Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.

In addition to systems, MSN students should involve staff members in the design and implementation process. Nurses are the first staff members who should be involved in the process. These practitioners spend the most time with the patients while taking care of them in inpatient and outpatient medical facilities, thus understanding patients’ needs more than other healthcare professionals (Kieft et al., 2014).Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care. Therefore, they should be involved in designing the new EHR system to guide in developing a system that will address patients’ care needs. Additionally, nurses should be involved during the system’s implementation since they are healthcare professionals who take the greatest part in the provision of care. Nurses will thus, incorporate the new system into their clinical practices to improve the efficiency and quality of patient care. Secondly, IT experts should be involved in the process. They will guide designing a system that can be installed in the healthcare organization easily using the available resources. Additionally, IT experts will provide nurses with any required technical support during the new system’s implementation.Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.

The Incorporation of Professional, Ethical, and Regulatory Standards into the Design and implementation of the New EHR System

The three standards will guide design and implementation processes. Professional nursing standards require practitioners to maintain integrity and competence during care delivery (Poorchangizi et al., 2019). Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.Thus, nurses will ensure that these aspects are considered during design and implementation processes. Secondly, the process will be guided by the ethical principle of privacy and patient information confidentiality, which requires healthcare professionals to protect patients’ personal details (Epstein & Turner, 2015). Therefore, MSN students should ensure that the design and implementation of the proposed EHR system maintain patients’ information privacy. Finally, the process will be guided by the local government’s regulatory standards to regulate clinical practices in the state. These measures will guide the process since failure to comply might lead to legal action against MSN students.Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.

Ensuring that All Order Sets are included in the New Records

All order sets should be incorporated into the new records to facilitate workflow in a healthcare organization. According to Li et al. (2019), poor alignment of order sets compromises clinician workflow in a healthcare organization. Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.Therefore, MSN students should use four steps to ensure all orders are integrated into the new clinical records. First, the student should get effective leadership to facilitate the entire process. Planning is also required before the commencement of the entire process. The required resources should also be secured before the process. Finally, the integration of all order sets into new clinical records requires ongoing maintenance and evaluation.Using Health Information Technology to Support Quality Improvement in Primary Care.

Strategies for Communicating Change

The success of change in a healthcare organization primarily depends on communication and a transition plan. Staffs are likely to reject the change if they are not informed about it and its bene

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