Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment. Select a nursing practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research. Start with the patient population and identify a clinical problem or issue that arises from the patient population. In 200–250 words, provide a summary of the clinical issue.

PICOT Question: In acute care inpatients (P), does hand hygiene (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce the rate of hospital acquired infections (O) within 6 months? (T)


Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink Haverstick, S., Goodrich, C., Freeman, R., James, S., Kullar, R., & Ahrens, M. (2017). Patients’ hand washing and reducing hospital-acquired infection. Critical care nurse37(3), e1-e8. Sickbert-Bennett, E. E., DiBiase, L. M., Willis, T. M., Wolak, E. S., Weber, D. J., & Rutala, W. A. (2016). Reduction of Healthcare-Associated Infections by Exceeding High Compliance with Hand Hygiene Practices. Emerging infectious diseases22(9), 1628–1630.



Herbeć, A., Chimhini, G., Rosenberg-Pacareu, J., Sithole, K., Rickli, F., Chimhuya, S., … & Fitzgerald, F. C. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to infection prevention and control in a neonatal unit in Zimbabwe–a theory-driven qualitative study to inform design of a behaviour change intervention. Journal of Hospital Infection.
How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question? It provides evidence-based information on hand hygiene essential in answering the PICOT question. Provides literature for understanding my topic of interest. Informs on the designation of behavior change interventions such as hand hygiene to reduce HAIs
Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?) It is a quantitative research. It uses statistical data and research methods Qualitative, uses observation Qualitative, uses non-statistical data
Purpose Statement The article seeks to investigate how patients hand washing reduces HAIs The study determines the reduction of Healthcare-Associated Infections by Exceeding High Compliance with Hand Hygiene Practices The study provides an understanding of the drivers of prevention interventions to improve infection prevention and control (IPC).
Research Question Does increased access to hand hygiene products and patient education improve patients’ hand hygiene and reduce the transmission of HAIs? Does increased hand hygiene compliance decrease healthcare-associated infection rate? What are the barriers/facilitators to IPC in a neonatal unit in Harare, Zimbabwe?
Outcome There are significant correlations between hand hygiene and rates of infection after intervention Hand hygiene reduces HAI rates. Enablers improve prevention of HAIs


(Where did the study take place?)

adult 36-bed Cardiothoracic postsurgical step-down unit University of North Carolina Hospitals Neonatal and maternity units
Sample N-54 patients


n-33 staff

n-4,000 Sample: N=15 (N = 4 physicians, N = 4 general nurses, N = 6 nurse midwives, N = 1 cleaner)
Method Mixed method involved anonymous 6-question survey for staff and patients in form of a questionnaire Longitudinal Interviews, ethnographic observations
Key Findings of the Study After the implementation of hand hygiene interventions, rates of both infections declined significantly and patients reported more staff offering opportunities for and encouraging hand hygiene There was a significantly increased hand hygiene compliance rate (p<0.001) and a significantly decreased healthcare-associated infection rate (p = 0.0066). Enablers: awareness of IPC improves prevention of HAIs.


Barriers: lack of resources, no formal feedback on performance, limited knowledge of guidelines discourage compliance to positive practices.

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