Two Articles on the Upskilling of Healthcare Workers as a Healthcare Issue of Concern


Rimmer (2018) posited that doctors must undergo additional training to use emerging

healthcare technologies successfully. This article addresses doctors as the healthcare workers of

concern, but it has been chosen because the same situation is valid for the nurses. This article

talks of a report that states that doctors need training in areas such as artificial intelligence

algorithms, genomics, and digital literacy. As mentioned above, that is the same treatment nurse

practitioners should receive. The article stresses that training is necessary for healthcare staff to

cope with emerging technologies.

Fralic (2013), on her part, observes that the American healthcare system is undergoing radical

and monumental change. She states correctly that with change, there is a need to re-strategize

and re-organize to deliver quality healthcare. To do this, upskilling is a must to keep up with

healthcare technologies. In other organizations in the healthcare sector, the same situation is

presented. They, too, are adopting the same approach of retraining to upskill nurses, doctors, and

other health workers to cope with the recent technological changes and continue to offer quality

and safe patient care.

Strategies to Address the Organizational Impact of Upskilling

Since the reality of upskilling in healthcare organizations is inevitable, it is essential to develop

strategies that address this issue's organizational impact. Three methods are beneficial. First, the

organization must introduce new technologies gradually to allow for adaptation and training.

Second, upskilling should be made a policy initiative that features in the organization's goals.

Third and last, upskilling should be budgeted appropriately, like any other expense, to succeed

(Fralic, 2013; Rimmer, 2018; Teague, 2019). Under no circumstances should upskilling be

considered as an afterthought. These strategies impact my organization positively because they

are geared toward giving it a competitive advantage. On the negative side, however, budgeting

means this strategy will consume resources the organization must set aside

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