Topic to Rebuttle: “All actions taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 are necessary and should be enforced including mandatory vaccines for the virus.”

Vaccines for The Covid-19 Virus Should Not Be Mandatory
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The Covid-19 vaccine has been around for a while now and mass vaccinations are still being carried out globally. As a highly spreading and mutating virus, there is the need to control its spread through the development of safe and effective vaccines. Several medical research companies have already reached the testing stage for their vaccines. Being a newly and quickly rolled out vaccine testing plan, it should not be mandatory for individuals to be vaccinated (Haque & Pant, 2020). Rather than making it mandatory, the exercise should be carried out on those who voluntarily present themselves to these vaccination centers.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), it is safe to get vaccinated and only a little percentage of the population has shown reactions to the vaccines (Haque & Pant, 2020). There have been cases also of individuals getting severe reactions or dying from taking the vaccine. Apart from the vaccine, there are other preventative measures one is expected to take so as to avoid contracting the virus. These measures should be undertaken as the efficacy of the vaccine is not yet at 100%. Such measures include proper washing and sanitizing of hands or workplaces and wearing protective face masks to prevent the virus from entering the respiratory system.
The vaccine should not be mandatory also due to the fact that there have been numerous reports of people getting the disease after getting vaccinated (Haque & Pant, 2020). Other sure proof ways, including social distancing, should be followed and vaccination not is mandatory; the only individual with a weak immune response to respiratory infections should be allowed to go for vaccination, but not forced. Making it voluntary will help in encouraging the elderly and those with a weak immune to get vaccinated (Shahcheraghi et al., 2021). Scientists will also be motivated to develop vaccines that are user-friendly and safe for individuals.

Haque, A., & Pant, A. B. (2020). Efforts at COVID-19 Vaccine Development: Challenges and Successes. Vaccines, 8(4), 739.
Shahcheraghi, S. H., Ayatollahi, J., Aljabali, A. A., Shastri, M. D., Shukla, S. D., Chellappan, D. K., … & Tambuwala, M. M. (2021). An overview of vaccine development for COVID-19. Therapeutic Delivery, 12(3), 235-244.

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