Topic – Discuss your position regarding access to and coverage for health care. Are we obligated to provide access to and coverage for health care for all Americans as an entitlement (a right)? Or should health care be considered a commodity that is subject to the influences of economic, social, and market demand (supply and demand)? Be sure to include the rationale for your position in your discussion.

I fully believe that all Americans citizens should be provided with complete health care coverage from birth to death. This coverage should include wellness checkups, cancer screenings as well as diabetic and cancer interventions to include medication and homeopathic interventions. I believe that tighter restrictions and qualifications should be applied to other social services like food stamps and financial support to women and children. And rather provide resources to better prepare this population with educational and employment opportunities. Therefore, freeing up exorbitant amounts of misused funds previously used on welfare to now be used for healthcare providing coverage for all citizens regardless of socioeconomic status or influence.

My position on this issue stems for the many years of the chronically ill patients being underserved in our nation. Many of them having to regularly choose between their medications, utilities, housing or food. As we know, Narcan is freely provide to revive a drug user, but a diabetic will require a several thousand dollar inpatient stay in the hospital to stabilize his blood sugars, due to medication neglect. This must change, we need to make our chronically ill patients a priority, but even more so we need to keep our healthy individuals from becoming sick and therefore, health coverage for all would allow those that presently cannot afford insurance to take advantage of wellness care and screenings. This approach would overall improve the health of our country and lessen the financial impact of rising healthcare cost and inpatient hospital stays.  Keeping America healthy!


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