Topic 5: Developing Evidence-Based Interventions QUESTION- What is the importance of evaluating population-based interventions? Why is it important to consider evaluation during the planning and development of evidence-based interventions?



Interventions can only be proven evidence-based if they meet the necessary criteria of evaluation. The evaluation outcome should be driven to implement effective programs in that the interventions are clearly stated to solve the problem in question. Therefore, developing an evidence-based intervention follows all the required steps; planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation processes to enhance positive outcomes. This study focuses on the development of the evidence-based intervention, the importance of evaluating a population-based intervention, and its importance during the planning, development of evidence-based interventions.

Importance of Evaluating Population-based Intervention

Population-based interventions are essential in enhancing and improving health services (Stojanovic et al., 2020). They work widely than the clinical approaches, thus bridging the gap left out by the clinics. The population-based interventions focus primarily on the public, aiming to achieve the population’s interest in improving their wellbeing and health. Evaluating population-based intervention is essential in ensuring that the interventions meet the specific objectives that the program tends to solve among the public. Evaluation tends to answer the questions as to why the chosen interventions are appropriate for a particular population and how suitable they can solve the problem and improve the population’s wellbeing. This can be applied in clinical settings.

Importance of Evaluation during Planning and Development

Evaluation is crucial during the implementation and development of the evidence-based intervention. It acts as a drive-through or tool especially for stakeholders to entice their programs successfully (Wandersman et al., 2016). Evaluation helps assess specific needs since it tends to analyze data collected and tools to enhance their effectiveness in the implementation stage. Therefore, evaluation contributes a lot to the planning and implementation process by examining data, tools, and resources effectively to ensure they impact solving the health problems, thus leading to the implementation of suitable population-based interventions.


Stojanovic, J., Wübbeler, M., Geis, S., Reviriego, E., Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea, I., & Lenoir-Wijnkoop, I. (2020). Evaluating Public Health Interventions: A Neglected Area in Health Technology Assessment. Frontiers in public health8, 106

Wandersman, A., Alia, K., Cook, B. S., Hsu, L. L., & Ramaswamy, R. (2016). Evidence-based interventions are necessary but not sufficient for achieving outcomes in each setting in a complex world: Empowerment evaluation, getting to outcomes, and demonstrating accountability. American Journal of Evaluation37(4), 544-561.

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