Topic 4: Theoretical Frameworks And Models For Change – Essay From Experts

In many sectors of the modern economy, the business environment is changing very rapidly. The market is growing, individual and public welfare is increasing, and consumer demands are changing. The enterprises should make modifications in their activities to preserve competitiveness. However, the process of changes is very complex and multicomponent, so the course materials are an excellent opportunity to understand all the theories and essential elements necessary to achieve effective results. There are many models of change management, and some of them can better fit the business structure of the specific organization. I think each type takes a unique approach and makes the shift in the system permanent. Most memorable to me is Kotter’s theory because it does not focus so much on change directly (Maastricht School of Management, 2021). It pays attention to the people who will have to develop and who will be most affected by the reforms that are taking place. This model is very close to me, and I believe that it is up to each employee to make the final result.


Furthermore, Kurt Lewin’s force field analysis is a potent tool to understand what it takes to make adjustments in corporate and personal spheres. It is beneficial for learning how workers behave when transformation occurs or why they resist it. The analysis is also integrated into the equally crucial three-stage theory. It assumes the exciting concept of unfreezing the current equilibrium, then moving toward the desired change and eventually freezing it at a new level (Maastricht School of Management, 2021). This description is straightforward, but at the same time, it is very relevant and explains how the process should look like and what the result will be.

If my job were to manage change, I would start by assessing the processes in the external environment of the enterprise. I would select and implement those innovations that would bring all the variety of external and internal influences into a single line of behavior and maintain or increase operations’ effectiveness. Now I understand that only those who strive to keep up with the time requirements, clearly define the strategy, and implement operational changes can count on the effectiveness (Maastricht School of Management, 2021). The more innovations of the leader are ahead in competitors’ business, the better they take into account market trends, and the more difficult it is for followers to change preferences in their favor.


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