Think of a bad habit or a good habit you or someone you know has. Write a paragraph that discusses the causes and/or effects of that habit. The paragraph should be well-developed, which means you need a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence (clincher). The paragraph should be unified and coherent with specific supporting details or examples for support. It should provide sentence variety (simple, compound, and complex sentences). The sentences should be clear, concise, and arranged in a logical order. Transitional words and phrases should be used to provide coherence. Choose one point of view: first, second, or third person.


Tobacco smoking causes damage to almost every body organ, results in numerous illnesses, and diminishes smokers’ health status. Smoking primarily leads to lung illness by harming the airways and alveoli located in the lungs. The majority of smokers begin smoking when they are still teenagers due to other adult smokers’ influence, while some are explorers of substance abuse. In addition, factors such as advertisements, promotions, and discounts from the cigarette industry largely influence smoking in the community. Simultaneously, some harmful habits like the smoking of e-cigarettes are wrongfully demonstrated as harmless but quickly get into the lungs, causing the smokers to become addicted to smoking. Any person who engages in smoking becomes an addict to nicotine. Smoking cigarettes has substantial detriments to an individual’s health, including lung cancer, heart illnesses, respiratory diseases, and damage to other body organs. However difficult it is, smokers can quit smoking to live a healthy lifestyle. Addicts will experience symptoms of withdrawal. Notably, withdrawal is a mental and physical struggle. The body physically reacts to the lack of nicotine, and the mind experiences the effort of giving up the habit, which requires a significant behavior change. Withdrawal symptoms can last up to several weeks, and they improve each day the individual refrains from smoking. Smoking is a bad habit that gradually becomes a lifestyle and diminishes a person’s health outcomes.

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