The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles

The next set of recommended learning strategies is associated with an aural learning preference (The VARK questionnaire, 2017). Learners need to have such style to attend classes and listen to lectures, discuss different topics, and describe experiences. An important strategy that is not included in the list of preferred ones is the use of a tape recorder. It is possible to state that the described preferred and recommended strategies are rather similar because of their focus on using notes and attending classes or lectures to listen to a speaker. However, it is also possible to improve learning while using tape recorders and support the audio material with short notes.

Awareness of Individuals’ Learning Styles

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the awareness of individual learning styles and selected strategies can affect the quality of teaching and learn significantly. While referring to learners, it is possible to state that, to synthesize facts and remember the material effectively, people need to apply preferred learning strategies. However, many young persons or adults do not know what type of preferences is associated with their learning. Therefore, it is important to use instruments similar to the VARK Questionnaire to contribute to the learner’s awareness of his or her preference. In this case, it is possible to improve study results and the quality of learning in general (Bennadi, Kashinath, Bharateesh, & Kshetrimayum, 2015). Furthermore, the understanding of different learning styles is also important for teachers who need to use a variety of approaches in their work to address diverse learners’ needs. Thus, when teachers are aware of students’ learning styles in their classroom, the quality of the proposed study materials increases, and this fact can contribute to learners’ outcomes.


To determine an individual learning style, it is necessary to use an available instrument. After identifying learning preferences, it is possible to concentrate on strategies that are proposed to improve learners’ outcomes. In this case, it is necessary to understand what learning strategies can be discussed as preferred ones and what other techniques can be used to improve the quality of learning and personal experience.

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