The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

There are varying degrees of evidence regarding the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies in nursing and healthcare delivery. However, there should absolutely be no doubt that clinical systems are important tools in improving patients’ outcomes and efficiencies in healthcare delivery settings. More specifically, the positive impacts of clinical systems that have been found to promote patient safety and quality care include reduction of medication errors, promoting medication compliance and, more so, reduction of adverse effects of drugs in patients with multiple regimen.

On the other hand, some literature show that some newly developed clinical systems lack evidence of positively impacting healthcare delivery. Therefore, this review is intended to summarize different research that provide evidence that support clinical systems that improve outcomes and/or efficiencies in healthcare delivery. McGonigle, and Mastrian, (2017) book on “Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge”has several chapters that exemplify the positive impacts of clinical systems. Illustratively, in chapter 14, McGonigle, and Mastrian, (2017) shows that the use of electronic health records (EHR) in healthcare provides higher quality and safer care for patients by ensuring accurate, and correct information about patients is recorded and can be accessed at any time, helping nurses and other healthcare providers effectively make safer diagnoses, and prescriptions, reduce patient care, and medical errors and provide safer care, and more importantly improving coordination of care delivery thus improving efficiencies and lowering healthcare costs. Newly developed clinical systems such as web-based technology described by Dykes et al. (2017) have been shown to help both patients and healthcare providers collaboratively develop care plans for patients thereby improving their outcomes. For example, the use of messaging platforms, and online portal that allow patients to see any kind of health

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