The Significance of Nurses Describing the Phenomena Based on the Theories


Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 313
Reading time:

2 min

Study level: Master

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Main body
  3. Summary
  4. References


To begin with, it seems crucial for the health sector’s workers to acquire skills of using data, experience, and knowledge to describe patients’ phenomena they encounter. In other words, nurses need to utilize the theories efficiently and base their own facts on the statistics and information they receive during the treatment to determine the diagnosis. Overall, it can be claimed that health institutions employees should base their theories on empirical and reliable data to prove their theories and, therefore, identify the suitable treatment for the phenomena they observe in their practice.


Main body

Furthermore, it is vital for nurses to realize that the formation of reliable theories stems from thorough research and in-depth knowledge of the patients’ symptoms. To be more exact, the evidence acquired in the process should be compatible with the hypothesis for its further usage to describe phenomena (Reay 2021). Therefore, the formed theory should be reliable to guide the health care sector, “a framework of concepts and purposes intended to guide nursing practice at a more concrete and specific level” (Wayne, 2021, line 2). In addition, it is vital to provide facts and specifics retrieved during the analysis of the phenomena to understand the problem’s roots and base the hypothesis on the statements of previous researchers (Peterson et al., 2019). Another critical point is that the development of theories is the process purely based on empirical and theoretical evidence that entirely proves the nurse’s viewpoint regarding the phenomena identification and explanation.


To sum up, it should be noted that reliable data and facts should support any theory developed in the nursing practice. In addition, the hypothesis can be supported by the external evidence from the previous researches of the scientists regarding similar phenomena or symptoms. Still, the nurses should acquire in-depth knowledge to be fully able to operate with the facts they retrieve in the analysis process.


Peterson, K., Anderson, J., Bourne, D., Charns, M. P., Gorin, S. S., Hynes, D. M., McDonald, K. M., Singer, S. J., & Yano, E. M. (2019). Health care coordination theoretical frameworks: A systematic scoping review to increase their understanding and use in practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine34(S1), 90–98.

Reay, T. (2021). Health care research and organization theory. Cambridge University.

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