The Role of the Demographic Data and Community Health Nurse Tuberculosis


The prison system, homelessness, overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate ventilation are just a few factors that contribute to an unhealthy environment. Healthcare personnel should receive special attention since they are at risk for developing tuberculosis because they are frequently exposed to the illnesses that hospital patients have. (Duarte et al., 2018). By trying to keep track of patients who receive a tuberculosis diagnosis and transmitting that data to state or local agencies like the CDC so that tuberculosis control trends can be followed, public health nurses can assist in case reporting through their communication with patients. The collection of statistics used to determine the disease’s incidence and the group at risk requires the recording of demographic information. Additionally, the data is utilized to examine disease patterns, track the spread of an outbreak, and implement preventative measures. Additionally, this information is helpful in preventing future epidemics (Medin Plus, 2019). Improved care for tuberculosis patients should be a community health nurse’s main focus (Jeffries et al. 2017). Monitoring patients’ adherence to their fat-recovery regimen will help achieve this. (Jeffries et al. 2017). This can be accomplished by monitoring patients’ adherence to their fat-recovery therapy.

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National Organization in Charge of Combating Tuberculosis in the US

The Nationwide Tuberculosis Controllers Association is an illustration of a national organization that deals with TB (NTCA). The organization was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1995 with help from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE). Helping to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) in the United States is NTCA’s principal goal (CDC, 2019a). To create standards for TB screening, intervention, testing, and medication, the NTCA also works with the CDC. The Centers for Research on Epidemiology is another organization (CDC). The organization takes part in numerous projects to identify, treat, and prevent the spread of tuberculosis (CDC, 2019b). The team is working to enhance tuberculosis (TB) lab networks and monitoring systems to enable rapid and precise diagnosis of TB.

The Global Implication of Tuberculosis

The World Health Organization (2019) lists tuberculosis (TB) as one of the top 10 global killers. For example, 10 million people acquired the illness and received a diagnosis of tuberculosis in 2007, and 1.6 million people died from it (including 0.3 million individuals with HIV). Without question, TB is the leading cause of death among people with HIV (World Health Organization, 2019). According to WHO (2019) data, in 2017, a million children developed tuberculosis, with 230 000 dying from the illness. The estimated number of kids who passed away from TB because of HIV infection is not included in this figure. The rise of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), despite the best efforts of those working to cure tuberculosis, continues to be a severe cause for public concern. This strain poses a threat to world health because it is so challenging to treat (World Health Organization, 2019).


CDC. (2019a). National Tuberculosis Controllers Association (NTCA). Web.

CDC. (2019b). Tuberculosis (TB). Web.

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