The Role of Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Nursing Essay

Another difference between these two approaches is the adoption of varying techniques for data analysis. In quantitative nursing research, they include statistical methods such as univariate, bivariate, and multivariate, which examine a single variable, the relationship between two variables, and evaluate multiple variables, respectively (Jung, 2019). Hence, they are solely oriented on numerical connections from evidence-based statistics. Meanwhile, qualitative data analysis implies the use of more complex programs for this purpose. They process the gathered information by identifying common themes and translating abstract ideas into meaningful findings (Chicca, 2020). As a result, this design provides more data, thereby increasing the possibility of bias.

Research questions will differ in these types of studies accordingly. For quantitative nursing research, it can be: Is the economic situation of patients from hospital N related to obesity? In the case of qualitative design, the question would be: Do people with diabetes type 1 using mobile apps reminding them of lower blood sugars manage their condition better than other patients? The investigation of these problems in the future will help gain a better understanding of an advanced nursing role.


Chicca, J. (2020). Introduction to qualitative nursing research.American Nurse. Web.

Jung Y. M. (2019). Data analysis in quantitative research. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences (pp. 956–968). Springer.

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