The recommendations for bulling reduction at the workplace from Dumfries and Galloway Council


Dumfries and Galloway Council is sure that the main aim of the staff manager in the company is to create an oppression-free culture, to persecute unacceptable behavior of workers, and to maintain an encouraging and successful environment among workers. Colleagues should respect each other, and it is the managers’ responsibility to create the policies of the company’s behavior and to make it the mode to follow. Staff may also take part in the development of the system of company relations, where creative and constructive views are welcomed. One of the main activities for the reduction of bullying at work, provided by Dumfries and Galloway Council, is the workers’ ability to bring a complaint to the Council about bullying at work and the measures will be provided at once (Policy against bullying 2).



In conclusion, the Dumfries and Galloway Council has created the Policy against bullying, which functions in the whole region. Policy against bullying maintains the rules of behavior in the companies, provides the guidelines to the workers in the case of bullying and their dignity violation at work, and implements the recommendations of how the communication in the company should be developed with the aim to measure the possibilities of bulling to a minimum.

Works Cited

Policy against bulling. Dumfries and Galloway Council. 2008.

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