The purpose of the study is to identify what are the barriers existing in initiating insulin to a patient with diabetes mellitus type 2.


Quantitative Studies


Healthcare is one of the fundamental components that enable human beings to live healthier and perform various activities in a different domain in life. Some of the diseases come as a result of our lifestyle in modern society. Concerning this paper, Diabetes mellitus type 2 will be the focus of the discussion based on the methods, outcomes, research findings and solutions that would enable the healthcare sector to address this type of illness in the society.

One of the significant questions based on this research on the matter of diabetes mellitus type 2 is the aspect of the perceptions of insulin usage and primary care in society. Therefore, this utters on the increasing patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are progressively taking therapy for insulin, and despite the potency from the therapy, most of the patient hub suboptimal glycemic controls (Barnett, 2012). The research study is forth with studies touching on themes with intents of exploring experiences and views of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthcare physicians on insulin usage and its management (McCarren, 2007). It has been used in the context of primary care. The study is critical to nursing as it reveals various barriers to optimized insulin usage in the primary care at both the health care professional and patient level. Thus, get insight on the need for quick multimodal interventions that will improve competencies inclusive of knowledge and skills of insulin dosing to diabetic patients.

Background of Study

From the previous studies and research, it is purposed to identify the beliefs of patients and also realities of the clinic on insulin which appears to be a barrier to diabetes type 2 patients when initiating the treatment. It is here where the information was given was later used to come up with a cross-cultured valued education as a patient's tool to provide enlightening and medical based statements that address the barriers as mentioned above. The article is relevant because it displays situations signaling incidence of clinicians delaying administration of insulin until it is crucial that other therapy alternatives are performed and fail to balance glycemic levels. It is closely related to the PICOT question as it argues on various reasons the health professionals inclusive of physicians, clinicians are at relaxing mode for administering insulin; a phenomenon called psychological insulin resistance. It supports the issue in question by emphasizing on crucial of administering insulin to those who have diabetes type 2.  It furthers the topic by stating clearly the importance of basal insulin, which means taking quick or longer time insulin forms in attempts to maintain the blood sugar levels in control. The themes integrate the comparison and interventions groupings in the articles to one identified in the PICOT query by synthesizing two frameworks which form 12 main themes expressed in three domains.

Methods of Study

There are various methods used by different key stakeholders to address the issue of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the society on how to treat, prevent and live with it once an individual has it. According to Brod, Alolga and Meneghini (2017), a study was conducted on 13 groups that focus and carried in five countries, namely Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America and The Netherlands. The data was based on attitudes on insulin therapy from diabetes type 2 patients for individuals aged 18 years whose healthcare profession had earlier recommended starting insulin treatment in the past around six months. In addition to this, four clinical professionals were in the interview panel board that interviewed in an attempt to ascertain obstacles they had experienced in starting the patient-insulin injection process. One benefit accrued from the focus group is its reaction for the participants and immediate feedback and also ideas meant to improve on various concepts or strategy. In this method of research, there needed trying as much as possible not be biased because it might end up impacting either positively or negatively on the discussion objectives. The intentional or inadvertent injected bias would have led to inaccurate results.

On that hand, with regard to Kathy, Mulnier and Forbes (2018), systematic electronic database search was the best method to use. It had Cochrane Library, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and also Web of Sciences performed on the year 1st October 2014. The updates for the study were done on 31st March 2015, in attempts to identify studies which shown the views plus experiences of those adults exhibiting diabetes type 2. It is worth noting that the studies that met the review included criterion and were appraised later using CASP qualitative researches che

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