The Proposed Project: Clinic Alert Follow-up System (CAFS)

The Proposed Project: Clinic Alert Follow-up System (CAFS)

The proposed project is the Clinic alert follow-up system” (CAFS). This project will provide nurse practitioners with alert services, thus allowing them to identify or receive updates about clinic follow-ups for patients who were previously diagnosed with one of the lifestyle conditions, including hypertension, obesity, or diabetes. A routine check-up is scheduled for a patient diagnosed with any of the three conditions after visiting the health facility for the first time or subsequently. Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.The nurse on duty will log into the “Clinic alert follow-up system” (CAFS) upon diagnosing a patient with one or more of these lifestyle conditions. The patient medical code is entered to allow the nurse to perform a search. Failure to obtain a patient’s details implies that an individual is visiting the organization for the first time or he/she was not diagnosed with any of the three conditions in the previous visits. In this case, the nurse will enter the checkup results of the patient, recommend further assessment, and book a clinic for the new patient (Glassman, 2017). Additionally, a physician is alerted during the patient session. The system will also select an appropriate date and time based on the treatment urgency and the availability of a doctor if a clinic or therapy session is recommended for the patient.Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.

On the other hand, the nurse will get alerts if a patient was previously diagnosed with hypertension, obesity, or diabetes and has been attending the clinic regularly. The alerts of the previous clinic follow-ups will indicate if the patient has been attending therapy sessions, clinics, or treatment procedures as instructed. The CAFS will assist healthcare professionals such as nurses and doctors to monitor a patient’s progress since the results of every therapy or clinic are updated within the CAFS system. Therefore, the CAFS system will reduce the morbidity rates associated with the three lifestyle diseases since the health status of most patients who have been diagnosed with these conditions deteriorate due to lack of follow-up, thus leading to death.Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.

The Stakeholders Impacted by the CAFS Project

Various stakeholders, including therapists, IT consultants, physicians, nurses, patients, nurse informaticists, and specialists will be impacted by the clinic alert follow-up system (CAFS).  The CAFS will be primarily implemented in the healthcare organization to monitor the trend of patients diagnosed with lifestyle conditions by evaluating the diagnosis process, therapy and clinical sessions, follow-up, and the progress of the treatment (Wang, Kung & Byrd, 2018). Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.The normal routine checkups do not facilitate proper follow-up for patients diagnosed with any of the three common lifestyle diseases. This is usually the case if these conditions were not the primary causes of the clinical visit. Consequently, these conditions continue to worsen increasing the possibility of other opportunistic diseases such as kidney failure, heart attack, and lower-limb amputations. Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.These complications will be minimized following the implementation of CAFS in the healthcare organization. As a result, the health status and the quality of life of the patients will be improved. Additionally, the system will facilitate the procedures that are performed by physicians, nurses, specialists, and therapists while providing care to people diagnosed with these lifestyle diseases. Lastly, nurse informaticists and IT consultants will facilitate the development and installation of the CAFS system.Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.

Patient-Care Efficiencies that CAFS aimed at Improving

CAFS primarily aimed at enhancing the follow-up of individuals diagnosed with diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. The follow-up will be monitored from the initial visit to ensure that a patient is adhering to the recommended treatment actions and processes. Nursing Informatics Project Proposal.The patient will receive appropriate assistance in terms of education, therapies, and medications based on the progress reports, which will be updated in the system after every visit. Additionally, the system will make the work of nurses easier by availing the follow-up process and alerting a particular action to be undertaken within the treatment journey of a specific patient (Macieria, et al., 2017).Nursing Informatics Project Proposal. More so, the system will indicate the diagnosis rate in a particular period and disease t

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