The Problem of HIV & AIDS in Spain: The Leading Rate of Infection in Europe

The cumulative HIV/AIDS infections in Spain is about 120,000 to 150,000 cases with the number of death toll reported to be 75 000 (Castilla,,17). HIV infection lowers the immunity system of the body by fighting the antibodies that protects the body from the opportunistic diseases; this makes the person venerable to other opportunity infections like TB, cholera, syphilis and many others.


HIV infection has led to several deaths and increase in number orphans especially within the immigrant community. It has also led to reduction of manpower due to deaths and serious illness that is experienced at a cute stage. HIV/AIDS infection has serious negative impact on the economy on the government of Spain as the government has invests lots of money for HIV control and management.

Though the government has placed various mechanisms in place, the new infections are still high. In autonomous communities the rate of infections still stands at 60 new infections in one million people and this poses a great threat to the government as more infections is something to be predicted.

Nature and Magnitude of the Problem

Spain has the leading rate of infection in Europe, currently, it’s estimated that 35000 people have newly contracted the disease without knowing with 75% being Spaniards while 35% being the immigrants. This is because some of the Spaniards are still involving in dangerous behaviors exposing them to HIV infections and the immigrants being low income earners with some cultural differences that creates barrier to medical acquisition, has also led to high infections (Del Romero,, 34).

It has been reported that 50% of the infections are transmitted through heterosexual relationship with 25% being gay relationship and 12% being through injection leading to high rate of the death associated with HIV /AIDS.

Who Is Affected

Injecting drug users

It occurs whenever uninfected persons shares injections equipments with an infected persons. Though the government initiated the program of methadone maintenance and vigorous campaign advising the IDU’s to go for needle exchange, the rate of infection through this process is still high as most drug user shy away from this program.

Homosexual especially commercial sex workers

Considering the fact that Spain has the leading number of the homosexual in Europe, the rate of the infections in this group stands at 10% (Del Romero,, 33). According to the recent studies, it has been noticed that there is an increase of the homosexual relationship especially male sexual workers who at times have unprotected sex making them susceptible to HIV.

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The transmission through this means is still an endemic phenomenon since there has been no substantial reduction despite the measures put by the government.Actually, since there has been high reductions through other means, has made heterosexual relationship be the highest means by which HIV infections occurs. This is seen by the rate in which the new infections are noticed in the people in the stable relationship.


Though mothers who are HIV infected in Spain have been introduced to the antiretroviral therapy, the rate of babies infected through their mothers is still high. The current statistics shows that about 500 to 1000 babies born are infected.

Risk Factors

The highest risk factors are the poor immigrants who are not able to access the medical services as it’s estimated that 35% of the new infections are immigrant (Castilla,, 19). Some of the Immigrants have cultural barriers that hinder them from going for medical services leading to difficulties in HIV testing and diagnose. The fact that they don’t know their HIV status is of high negative effect on disease control since their possibility of passing the infection to the other party is relatively high.

The other risk factor is in the commercial sex workers in the 19 cities of Spain where most of the male sex worker are from foreign origin and 96% of whom are homo sexual with 18% practicing both homo and heterosexual (Castilla,,19). It has been reported that some sex worker practice unprotected sex leading to high chances of HIV transmission from an infected party to another.

Poor living standards and highly cultural beliefs especially among the immigrant poses as risks factor to HIV sexual transmission in that they get involved in risky sexual activities without using protection that might lead to more infections.

Mother to child mode of transmission is also a major risk factor as this increases the chil

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