The Organization’s Ability to Promote Equal Opportunity and Improve the Quality of Life in The Community


In all the countries UNICEF has put its operations, its main aim has been to create and promote equal opportunities for everyone, especially children and women. Globally, UNICEF is operating in about one-hundred and thirty countries. The organization’s ability to provide services to the local community has dramatically helped the organization expand children and women’s opportunities, thus enabling them to reach their full potentials (Masic, 2018).

As a nurse working with the organization, I would take the opportunity to enhance and improve the quality of healthcare services being delivered to the local communities. I would take the chance to avail myself and help the local community members in times of emergencies such as natural disasters. With the organization’s help, there has been a reduced number of deaths being reported from children and pregnant mothers. The organization has also been in the frontline to help reduce inequalities in gender between girls and boys. Inequalities have been reported in the local communities for many years leading to disparities in health services and resource distribution. Working with UNICEF will also be fulfilling since it will help me promote equality in society, allowing everyone to have equal opportunities to the limited resources available in the area.



Lane, S., MacDonald, N. E., Marti, M., & Dumolard, L. (2018). Vaccine hesitancy around the globe: Analysis of three years of WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form data-2015– 2017. Vaccine, 36(26), 3861-3867.

Masic, I. (2018). Public health aspects of global population health and well-being in the 21st century regarding determinants of health. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 9, 1–8.

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