The Negative Effects of Facebook, Tik Tok, and Instagram on Adolescents



Social media has become a part of everyday life for numerous adolescents. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, three-quarters of American teens aged 13 to 17 use social media ( Vogels et al., 2022). Social media has significantly impacted adolescents’ positive and negative cultures (Monroe, 2022). Unfortunately, social media has also been linked to a variety of negative issues, similar as cyberbullying, lack of face-to-face relations, and, indeed, the live streaming of graphic content (Wojdan et al., 2021; Gentina et al., 2021). There are some serious counteraccusations for adolescents who are using social media. With this in mind, it is important to consider whether or not social media should have a legal age limit, if there should be restrictions on what minors can post, and if there should be an alert system for parents (Gayle, 2021). In addition, it is important to consider whether females are more influential than males when it comes to social media use and if schools are doing enough to help adolescents floundering with social media’s adverse effects.

Many teenagers’ lives now revolve around their constant connection to various social media platforms. As a result, several unfavorable consequences have been associated with it. One of the biggest drawbacks of using social media is the increased risk of cyberbullying, especially among young people. The term “cyberbullying” refers to the “use of technology to harass, threaten, humiliate, or attack another person” (Monroe, 2022). Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the mental health consequences of cyberbullying, ranging from anxiety and sadness to suicide ideation (Monroe, 2022).

Secondly, Many parents are worried about their kids seeing violent content streamed life online. As per Wojdan et al. (2021) study on the topic, young people’s “tendency to post and consume material containing explicit photographs and videos on social media” is harmful to their physical and mental health. Therefore, as a result, Adolescents, who may be too immature and innocent to grasp the repercussions of their behavior, are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of this sort of material.

Lastly, Adolescents’ mental health might be negatively impacted because of the isolation that can result from less time spent interacting with others in person due to the prevalence of social media use. Gentina et al. (2021) state that “over usage of social media might lead to loneliness, social isolation, and even despair.” Adolescents who do not get enough face-to-face time may develop less empathy than their peers, which may have serious consequences for their friendships and romantic relationships. It is obvious that using social media may have a number of detrimental consequences on teenagers’ mental health and development. Cyberbullying, live broadcasts of violent material, and a decline in in-person contact need attention. The question then becomes what can be done to the blow.

Figure 1; Negative effects of social media on teens (Redirect Notice, 2023).

Figure 1; Negative effects of social media on teens (Redirect Notice, 2023).

Given the widespread use of social media in modern society, it is crucial to consider whether there needs to be a set legal age for its usage. On the one hand, there are advantages to setting an age restriction for social media since it may help shield teenagers from any possible drawbacks (Vogels et al., 2022). An age restriction may protect children from unsuitable information or online bullying. Additionally, it could aid in preventing young people from participating in behaviors that can result in detrimental mental health consequences, including loneliness and despair.

However, there are disadvantages to setting an age restriction for using social media. For instance, because it is simple to establish fictitious accounts or lie about one’s age, enforcing such an age restriction could be challenging (Monroe, 2022). Additionally, even with an age restriction, teenagers can still find a method to access social media. Finally, a restriction on age may restrict teenagers’ chances to use social media for productive activities like networking and interacting with others. Overall, It is crucial to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of such a policy before making a choice. With this in mind, it is crucial to take into account the additional measures that may be taken to reduce

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