The negative effects of bullying on students’ educational level :


Bulling has a significant effect on the students’ educational level. Childhood abuse impacts academic achievement, because abused students feel discomfort and weakness however at the same time influences the character and self-confidence of pupils. As a consequence, this fact makes bullying children unwilling to study or to pay attention to their studies well, and even they might not like to go to class. Students even miss the opportunity to join in their colloquiums or even to attend school activities. A lot of researchers have shown that there is a positive relationship between harassment and poor academic performance. Children feel anxious as they attend at school. According to (Talahin et al , 2016) found that when children feel like harassment is a problem in their class, they feel that it is dangerous and indicates decreased participation in the school community. They therefore have less motivation to do well at school and do not participate in school activities. The effects of bullying impact the academic performance of survivors in both direct and indirect ways. As a consequence, the harassed student by his classmates may become nervous and scared of being mocked, so he may refuse to take part at school or have difficulty in focusing on classroom work due to severe anxiety. Harassing inhibits focus and future academic performance, so that survivors lack interest in education and suffer from a fall in school performance as their mind is diverted from studying ( swearer , 2010 ). The harassment has changed their decision for continuing education by 40 percent of adults who had been bullied at school. There are many methods that harassment creates academic problems which affect schooling: Harassment leads to problems with focus that makes it very difficult to concentrate when a child is bullied at school. Pressure of any kind appears to affect one's emotions, but we prefer to ruminate on social stress that concerns our friends or friendships in particular. Pressure hormones from harassment hinder education and decrease cognitive capacity , getting harassed leads to an increase in the brain's stress hormones, and these increased levels of cortisol actually produce physical brain modifications that inhibit the growth of new neurons and conflict with memory formation. The minds are connection devices by nature, and when education exists within a traumatic environment, it is difficult to enjoy academic pursuits or come to integrate knowledge with positive qualities. In other words bullying has a sever effect on the academic achievement.

-Discussion and recommendation:


How far could bullying negatively affect the mental health of students and their level of education? Reviewed sources emphasize that harassment seems to have become a divisive issue worldwide and a real issue for youth. Abuse tends to make people conscious about how others view them, unnecessarily and painfully. This is achieved in a negative way, but may also render them overly focused on how they appear to others in a wider context, hey even tend to follow darkly distorted views of themselves. In fact, harassment upsets their sense of security in their country, making them feel vulnerable. They may be worried about going to school or having a course, which only contributes to ever more lack of motivation and diminished academic achievements. Bullying in schools not just to effects physical and mental health, but it also has negative educational outcomes, undermining children's and youth's right to good education. As per the report examining the previous studies on the reasons of bullying at school, it could result in bullying despite external factors and inner factors. External influences include reduced social autonomy attributable to closed program and community, social isolation, lack of restrictions for harassment prohibitions agreed by all students, lack of managers, etc. Internal factors involve prejudice for diversity and minority, failure to recognize that other students have the rule that harassment is inappropriate, lack of cognitive and emotional compassion for anyone who may be abused, failure to perceive behavior problems as bullying, excuse for abuse, failure to anticipate harassment to be identified, etc.


One of the limitations of this research study was by Steele (n.d) , Edwards (n.d) & Swearer (2010) as these sources was having a lack of statistics and case studies. Also the report done by Talahin et al (2016) might have biased the sample. Therefore, the results might not generalize to other as the goal of the research was to examine the effect of school harassment on childrens' educational achievement from an educator point of view in Jordanian schools. The survey sampling included of all the educators in the Amman West District. The sample group composed of two hundred educators chosen fro

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