The most effective therapeutic tool so far, used very commonly in children of ages 3 through 11, is play therapy. For adolescents, group activities and media-based activities have proven very effective. Below is a brief outline of these tools.

Play therapy is beneficial in two ways: it helps in diagnosis, as well as in treatment. It is modelled so that the counsellor can make observations based on how the child uses the toys/activities provided. This observation usually leads to a diagnosis of what is disturbing the child. Once that is identified, half the well is crossed. The same play activities can be used to treat the child in overcoming his/her problems. Play therapy is generally modelled in 2 ways:
a. Nondirective play therapy: This is a flexible model which is based on an individual’s requirement. Though it has some boundaries, it is generally non-intrusive. In the sense, it simply acts as a catalyst in aiding the individual to make his or own decisions in facing their problems. Most activities under non-directive play therapy are unstructured and depend on how the individual chooses to take it forward. For example, allowing the individual to play with a huge pile of sand, without imposing any restrictions is a common activity used (sand-play therapy). Finally, this approach can also be used in adolescents by using appropriate activities. Therapy With Children And Adolescents Essay
b. Directive play therapy: This is a more structured model that believes that guiding the child through any play or activity can help in achieving better results. For example, cognitive behavioural play therapy is commonly used in children of ages two through six. Also, the same example of sand-play therapy can be made directive by incorporating talk therapy in the activity.
Group activities that involve interaction are used in therapy for adolescents. This are again mostly non-directive, since it is considered better to let adolescents make their own choices and observe them when they are not restricted. For example, a group of young adults may be put in a room, without any further instructions. What they do, how they interact, how they respond to the group, etc. are observed. Though this is useful in diagnosis, a more directive approach is preferred for treatment. Examples of directive approach to make the individuals think includes letting them play Spin-the-yarn and finding out something positive about the others in the group (Sheila, Nelson and Boggs 2008).
Media is a very important tool used in therapy. For instance, children of the age 3 through 10 are most expressive when given a paper and some colour pens. This is a non-directive approach that lets the children draw or write whatever they want on the paper. Almost every child is open to this activity, unlike in activities that may involve interaction with other children. Another tool that can be used for therapy is music. Though this isn’t as established as other methods mentioned above, it is gaining popularity. Many scientific research studies show that music can be very helpful, in both diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems. For example, certain scales have been proven to induce specific moods in most people. Other tools may involve parents or teachers to carry out specific activities at home and in school, which are directive approaches. Reinforcement of activities over a period of time has been shown to be effective in therapy (Weisz 1995). Therapy With Children And Adolescents Essay

Health professionals who are concerned with maintaining the psychological welfare of children encounter several obstacles in their practice. Relative to adults, children have more complex psychological needs that require better-developed intervention programs and strategies.

One of the major barriers to effective psychological intervention in children is their inability to make personal decisions in important matters of life. In addition, the inability of children to express their feelings and thoughts effectively adds to the complexity of psychological intervention in children. Therapy With Children And Adolescents Essay

This complexity exists because age is a critical aspect in the selection of psychological treatment, the objectives of the treatment are important, and the symptoms of the disorder that are evident in a child are considered. There are four main classes of psychological interventions that are applied by health professionals. These include individual psychotherapy, behavior modification, remedial therapies and education, and social and cognitive behavioral therapy (Ebert et al, 2008).

Several approaches are used in individual psychotherapy. They include client-centered therapy, child and adolescent psychoanalysis, supportive psychotherapy and exploratory psychotherapy (Ebert et al, 2008). Supportive therapy is a highly selective approach that does not have a single theoretical basis that may be considered humanistic in nature.

It is best suited for treatment of adjustment disorders. Client-centered therapy is considered play therapy that is highly effective in psychological interventio

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