The Leader’s Ability to Communicate Effectively with Stakeholders, How Well They Follow the Situational Approach to Leadership, and Ways in Which the Communication Could Have Been Improved 


There is a difference in the way the first CO for David on the USS Sunfish, the second CO on the same submarine (Commander Pelaez), and Louis David himself communicated with subordinates and other stakeholders. The first CO was an authoritarian figure whose word was final. He adopted a top-down communication style. On the contrary, Commander Pelaez was approachable and cherished two-way communication. He frequently listened to his subordinates and incorporated their views and opinions in critical decision-making periods. Analysis of the Turn the Ship Around Case Study.As for David, he was inspired by Commander Pelaez and also adopted open two-way communication with stakeholders. But because he had to later follow the situational approach to leadership when work was shoddily done, he at times communicated in a top-down manner. The CO of the USS Will Rogers and his executive officer (XO) both practiced top-down authoritarian communication.Analysis of the Turn the Ship Around Case Study.

Communication could have been drastically improved by the simple provision of a welcoming and conducive work environment, especially when the first CO was still in charge on the USS Sunfish 

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