The Initiative and modalities used by the United States government to understand the phenomenon of sex trafficking as a criminal justice issue in America’s society

H1: The Initiative and modalities used by the United States government to understand the phenomenon of sex trafficking as a criminal justice issue in America’s society


The findings and the perspectives shared in the literature review affirm the reasoning that sex trafficking is an organized criminal activity that does not uphold the dignity of human beings and respects their fundamental civil rights of young women as the most affected group with regards to the commercialization of sexual activities. The women, particularly teenage girls who fall under the age of 18 years, are physically and sexually abused by the traffickers to take part in sexual activities and prostitutions without their consent (Sobel, 2016). The study findings acknowledge the sense of perception that the victims of sex trafficking are dragged into the nasty life based on their history and backgrounds as hopeless and poor immigrants. The victims of sex trafficking are swayed and lured into the business of commercializing sex with the intent to award them economic advantages, such as job opportunities and quality education. However, the nature of the treatment they face upon travels depicts a sense of complacency since they are forced to participate in prostitution contrary to their expectations.

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The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act in 2000 perceives sex trafficking as a serious criminal activity in the present age, and the offenders need to be punished to the full extent of the law. In this connection, the study findings justify the reasoning by the United States law enforcement agencies are tasked to target the buyers of sex, particularly to the under aged victims of sex trafficking, as a tactic of finding the pathway of sex traffickers. The initiative of following up the lifestyle of the survivors is also conceptualized as a strategy of attempting to find out the intent behind the popularization of the phenomenon and the culture of sex trafficking (Middleton et al., 2018). In this regard, the survivors of sex trafficking stand a better chance to get their lives back through the acquisition of mental health services provided by the government. Consequently, the phenomenon of sex trafficking does affect not only the immigrants but also the young American girls who are lost in the practice of overindulgence and drug abuse, and this is used as an advantage to lure and entice them to take part in prostitution without their knowledge.


The phenomenon of sex trafficking has caused civil unrest issues in the United States since the emergence of modernity and the attainment of human civilization not only in the United States but also in every country across the globe. The critiques of America’s system of governance and the political framework of leadership justifies the rising cases of sex trafficking issues in the United States as a culture that is founded on the concept of systematic racism. The immigrants are the most affected group since they are being lured and enticed by the sex traffickers to get access to economic opportunities in the United States (Lorenz, 2017). However, given the nature of sex trafficking as a criminal justice issue in America’s society, the law enforcement agencies need to consider reasoning that every under aged girl living in the United States is a potential victim of sex trafficking. Hence, the government needs to focus on guaranteeing safety and protection to the victims of sex trafficking by creating awareness of its practice and existence in the United States.


Austin, R., & Farrell, A. (2017). Human trafficking and the media in the United States. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

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