The Impact of Social Determinants of Health in the HIV-AIDS Essay




Currently HIV and AIDS, is the world’s worst pandemic. It is responsible for deaths of millions of people weekly around the world. Efforts have been made to contain the pandemic but in vain, and that is why researchers are concentrating on the social determinants of health in the context of HIV/AIDS. This is in their bid to try lessening the severity of the disease. Therefore, this paper intends to highlight on the social determinants of health in regard to HIV/AIDS.

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The social determinants of health in regard to HIV/ AIDS are embodied in education (how ignorance impacts on the spread); poverty (how the lack of basic necessities can influence prostitution); the availability of basic medical services that help in reducing severity; gender aspects in some societies; availability of hospitals and institutions offering medical services; nongovernmental organization that help in impact reduction, social amenities and structural interventions.

The issue of social determinants of health cannot be completed without the mention of structural interventions. As shown by Blankenship et al (2006), “structural interventions refer to public health interventions promoting health by altering the structural context within which health is produced and reproduced”. As an intervention, this aspect has only of late received attention in regard to the pandemic. It includes “community mobilization, integration of HIV services, contingent funding and educational and economic interventions” (Blankenship et al, 2006).

The above aspects include a mixture of actions which encompass the creation of awareness, identification of the challenges to prevention measures; emphasis on prevention measures rather than treatment, VCT services and anti-retroviral therapy medication; funding aimed at boosting prevention measures and the boost of economic aspects together with educational interventions (aimed at teaching people on the pandemic and boosting peoples economic status to avoid social ills such as prostitution).

Prevention and control, is another aspect that is deeply rooted in the social determinants of health. This is aimed at curbing all diseases associated with the pandemic in the society i.e. TB and malaria. “Most cities in the world are poorly equipped to handle the ecological and social pressures brought on by the rapid urban population increase and its attendant consequences” (Annette et al, 2007). Circumstances related to the mentioned diseases are the likes of mobility, overcrowding, and inefficient regulatory interventions do inhibit social interventions.

As stated by Luginaah, Yiridoe & Taabazuing (2005), regardless of the increase in knowledge on the pandemic, research has shown that nations having high prevalence speed have limited behavior changes. This is due to voluntary testing and nongovernmental intervention. This has become a very important shot in the arm aimed at combating the disease.

Mc Donald & Roberts (2006) on their part assert that “whenever the epidemic strikes it imposes severe human and social consequences. Family life is disrupted as adults cannot work to support their families. This reduces productivity while increasing healthcare expenses. Therefore AIDS creates substantial economic costs”.

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